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MC4BSM 2010 April 14-16, 2010 This workshop aims to gather together theorists and experimentalists
interested in developing and using Monte Carlo tools for
Beyond the Standard Model Physics in an attempt to be
prepared for the analysis of data focusing on the Large Hadron Collider.
Since a large number of excellent tools already exist for the
study of low energy supersymmetry and the MSSM in particular,
this workshop will instead focus on tools for alternative
TeV-scale physics models. The main goals of the workshop are:
We envision a small but intensive workshop with ample time for discussions between model builders, Monte Carlo experts, and experimentalists interested in exotics searches at the Tevatron and the LHC. Please contact the organizing committee if you are interested in giving a talk at the workshop: mc4bsm-organizers@nbi.ku.dk. Practical questions can be addressed to mc4bsm@nbi.dk. This workshop is sponsored by the DISCOVERY center and by the Niels Bohr International Academy. There is no participation fee. |
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